Page name: Order of Inari [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-11 13:31:52
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 23
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Welcome to the Temple of Inari, the kitsune warrior, hero and legeand. *bows*

(Wiki pages founded and maintained by [Wes Foxx])

This page is the 88th Safe Zone

-Whats the Order of Inari about?-

I've created this group as another fun place to chat, hang around, roleplay if you want to, show off your art, and in general to just do whatever and enjoy yourself.

Im also trying to use this as a way to bring new people into the world of roleplaying. Every member gets a kitsune form as well as one type of spellwork, their Kinetic Class. I reward those who do their best and suceed by awarding them a higher Member Rank, sort of like getting a medal or ribbon, or on elftown especially, a badge. We also have a badge for your kinetic class as well, which can be found in the Order of Inari Gallery page

You don't have to be a kitsune to join. You don't even have to use the kitsune form you get. Its totally up to you what you want to do with it.

Those who wish to cause trouble or pain, this is NOT the wiki for you. Any member found to be harrassing, harming, or otherwise causing trouble in the order or among its members will be exiled from the order.

~Banished Order Members~


~Roragons United
~Anthro RP
~Moonlight (Our sister page, or basically, Order of Inari part two)~
~Zelda Geeks
~Lost Book of the Bible:The Book of Amish
~Light & Dark

Interrested? Feel free to join. You may leave our order at any time, and will not be stripped of your title, rankings, or Power.
~Order of Inari Members page~

For all members who have a character picture, feel free to post it.
~Order of Inari Fursonas page~

The roleplayers and those wishing to gain rank here should proceed here.
~Order of Inari RP page~

I've moved all the classes and divisions to their own page to cut down on the size.
~Order of Inari Classes and Divisions page~
   Not enough detail for you? See the combo labs!
    ~Kinetic Research Labs~
    ~Advanced Kinetic Labs~

Information on our history, the kinetics R&D lab, and a discussion page
~Order of Inari Archives~

Are you an artist? Submit an entry and your drawing could become the picture used for our founder!
~Inari Contest~

If you have a badge, graphic, doodad or other item for the Order, we're happy to post them and display them here!
~Order of Inari Gallery~

Since this page is constantly being updated, and almost no one is watching most of these pages, heres a link to the story series I'm writing.
~History of Inari~

Order News

2/27/05 - The History of Inari story series, The Legeands of Inari, have all been outlined. I'll be writing the story from Act I ASAP.
- The History of Inari has been updated: Four new character profiles and sketches have been added. All sketches for existing story previews have been created.

3/11/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act I first chapter done!

3/18/05 - <poll:47476> LoI character poll!

3/25/05 - [Just Paula] has been awarded a Valorian Sage ranking for services to the Order

April 4, 2005- The Legeands of Inari: Act I has been completed!

4/25/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act II Chapter 1 is finally posted!

4/27/05 - Chapter 2 (1st half) is posted!
-Also- We've finally reached 30 members!

5/1/05 - Chapter 2 finished!

-A freakin' long time passes-

9/11/05 - *Tribute to the people who lost their lives in the September 11th tragedy*

- New sketches containing stuff from future Legends of Inari work have been placed in Foxx Galary VII!

Username (or number or email):


2005-04-08 [Jewels Whitefire]: oh yeah lol ^^ i cut out my entrance it looked so stupid after walking through it

2005-04-08 [Just Paula]: *jealousy* why am i not allowed to d/l stuff*pouts*

2005-04-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: hello thought id let you know i finished sketcjing that banner i said i was making for you. im inking it tonight, ill try to get a pic of it to you tomorrow befor i color it in

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: ah sonofa... *punts freewebs* the midis dont work ><

2005-04-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: do wha??

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: nothing, its just that my freewebs account page wont play the music files i uploaded >< or they werent working at the moment. its what i do when i get frustrated with something

2005-04-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ah ok i umm... i dunno what i do when i get frustrated

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: Aaanyhow, *downloads more Furcadia patches* i think I might be able to do even more kinds of portraits if ive figured out how these work Oo

2005-04-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: well *streaches* searched the entire archive, found a few cool sets of wings that I dont have to pay for to use, got a lightsaber patch, and two sets of new portraits, Islanders and Japanese-style *pads off to tinker*

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: Well, the islander set looked retarded so I just did the Chinese set of some blank demo avatars <img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:>

2005-04-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: kewlness

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: .> the snuggle den in map is done! all i need to do now is the ds for it and i'll be able to open it >.> i'll explain later for those on my house that may be interested

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: You may want to try and set up a special wing or avatar patch if you've figured out how yet Oo

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: i have the wing patch set up wes ^^ its not the same as yours since everyone can see the wings lol

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: Saphy!

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: -gently tackles saphy and snuggles her and showers her in kisses!~

2005-04-09 [CuteKitsune]: oO miss me that much? im sorry I didnt know kara had to call me but! ^^ hi love

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: hi saphy! ^^!

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: wes can tell you i been going crazy from missing you! ^^!

2005-04-09 [Wes Foxx]: completely certifiably insane. it was touching

2005-04-09 [Jewels Whitefire]: yeah x.x.. i missed my saphy alot! -snuggles her tightly-

2005-04-10 [Nekko fox]: -Screams loudly, huddles into a ball, then falls asleep clutching his tail-

2005-04-10 [Just Paula]: *dies of boredom*

2005-04-10 [Wes Foxx]: *dies alongside talon with the pencil of artistic frustration wedged firmly through his ears*

2005-04-11 [Jewels Whitefire]: o.O -has no idea- O.o

2005-04-12 [Nekko fox]: -Wakes up and tackles Jewels-

2005-04-12 [Jewels Whitefire]: Eep! -Is tackled by Neko. She looks at him curiously-

2005-04-13 [Jewels Whitefire]: -Wanders in and yawns, then curls up in a corner. She closes her ember colored eyes, as her bloodied tail retraces the same design over and over staining the small patch of ground a light crimson red- ZZzz..

2005-04-13 [Insaniac Yoshie]: (shameless spamming)  It has free Anime and Cartoon DVDS!! all you have to do is fill out a survey and every things free!

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: -Walks in and starts screaimng voletnly that he wants a blood sacrifice-

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *hands you a ram* o0

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: -Glares at it- No! MORTAL COMBAT!

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: eh he... *looks around nervously and slowly backs away* << >>

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: -Smiles viciously-

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *bumps into the wall* um... uh... c-couldnt we talk something out? *smiles nervously*

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes then grabs her knee in a big hug-

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *stiffens and looks around quickly to see if this is some kind of trick*

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: -Hops up from the ground onto a nearby muffin-shaped chair and smiles at pheonix-

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: erm... thank you? *walks slowly forward*

2005-04-14 [Wes Foxx]: Maybe nekko just noticed the whole banished members thing from the last time someone didnt know when to stop being ultraviolent. on a side note, im listening to my flashtoon music again @O

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: aw well its ok (getting kicked off by my mom bye-nees!) *waves*

2005-04-14 [Wes Foxx]: Thats just my song list x.O not counting the parody song website even o.X and dont forget Wes's Comic Archive

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: -Raises an eyebrow- When have I ever been over violent? What list?

2005-04-14 [Wes Foxx]: the time when you were trying to attack and/or kill everyone and I had to stick you in a cage of energy oO People in the order who wont stop attacking eachother can get added to the Banished Order Members list, get all their badges removed and any further attacks will simply be deleted and if it continues for too long they are reported to the guards.

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: But I hadn't attacked all the members...Just one. And I stopped.

2005-04-14 [Wes Foxx]: which is why you werent banned or otherwise punished. =^^= that last link is actually a new one that I haven't posted on ET before, There She Is 2

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: Oro?

2005-04-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: click it and find out...

2005-04-14 [Nekko fox]: oaky! ^^

2005-04-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol...

2005-04-15 [Wes Foxx]: There She Is 2, aka Cake Dance Oo

2005-04-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: kk

2005-04-16 [Nekko fox]: I WIN! -Runs around, then starts strip dancing to techno music-

2005-04-16 [Wes Foxx]: O_o *head catches on fire, runs away*

2005-04-16 [Just Paula]: oooo strip dancing... sounds fun*giggles*

2005-04-17 [Nekko fox]: -Continues dancing, with much gyrating movements of his hips-

2005-04-17 [Wes Foxx]: *hides in a dark corner in the fetal position trying to burn the image out of his head*

2005-04-17 [Just Paula]: you better not be hiding from the image of me-_-'

2005-04-17 [Wes Foxx]: burns! *twitch twitch*

2005-04-17 [Just Paula]: ooooooooo

2005-04-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *sings* i dont wanna be a chicken. i dont wanna be a duck. so i shake my butt! *music goes on*

2005-04-18 [Nekko fox]: -Sings- If you can't dance/ Get the hell out!/ If you can't groove/ Then your not allowed! ^^ -Immediately strips off everything and dances vigorously. Of course, everything is relatively nothing because he is just a fox-

2005-04-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *searches franticly for $20*

2005-04-19 [Nekko fox]: !<img:>

2005-04-19 [Tiger Shark]: ....aww

2005-04-20 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *pats its head*

2005-04-20 [Nekko fox]: -Meows and slows his dance to a more slow and rhythmic beat, acquaited to him listening to Animusic-

2005-04-21 [Insaniac Yoshie]: animusic?

2005-04-21 [Nekko fox]: Yes....Never heard of it?!

2005-04-21 [Insaniac Yoshie]: maybe if i knew waht it was....

2005-04-21 [Nekko fox]: It's a DVD. It's a music DVD that has all original music orchestrated into it. But that's not what's cool. What they did was, they took all of it and Animated everything. All in Computer graphics and it is beyond stunning. It moves in real time, you can see the spots where the drumsticks have worn the drums sown, you can see EVERYTHING! It is Beautiful!

2005-04-21 [Insaniac Yoshie]: kewl....

2005-04-21 [Nekko fox]: YES! ^^

2005-04-21 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ma-ai-hii ma-ai-huu ma-ai-hoo ma-ai-haha Alo Salut sunt en un haiduc si te rog iubria mea primesto fericirea Alo Alo ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic dar sa stii nu-ti nimic vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei nu ma nu ma nu ma iei chipul tau si dragostea din tei mi-aminese de ochii tia te sun sati spun ce simt acum

2005-04-21 [Nekko fox]: -Stares- Translation into English please?

2005-04-21 [Insaniac Yoshie]: if your to lazy to go there i will type it though

2005-04-21 [Wes Foxx]: or you could go to anything on the Numa Numa wiki

2005-04-24 [Wes Foxx]:

The Legeands of Inari: Act II has Begun!

2005-04-25 [Insaniac Yoshie]: gah!!! quit writing ><' dont have time to read them yet...

2005-04-26 [Tiger Shark]: gah!!! quit writing!! you're gonna end up spraining a finger!!

2005-04-26 [Wes Foxx]: New stuff on History of Inari

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: I see dat

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: -Curls into a ball and starts crying-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts head and kneels down by Nekko* what's wrong??

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: Alexandra died! -Falls over, crying pathetically-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: *hugs* I'm so sorry

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: -Cries even harder-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: *hugs* it's gonna be okay

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: 0-Sniffles and hugs her tightly-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: what happened? if you don't want to talk about it that's fune *hugs*

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: Alexandra Died!

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: I know, I know *hugs* it's gonna be okay

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: -Sniffles and hugs her again-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: *hugs* you going to be okay?

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: Yes...*Sniffle* I'll be okay...

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: you sure?

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: Yes....

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here, just so you know

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: It's okay...I'll be a little trooper...<img:>

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: heh, that's cute

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: ^^ Thanks...something warm in a world of darkness...

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: there's a lot of warmth, you just need to know where to look

2005-04-27 [Wes Foxx]: *sings* Look on the bright side of life

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: Of course, of course...

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: *nods and sits on the floor*

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: -Stands up and doive glomps Tiger SHark-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: ack! *ish glomped*

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: -Grins- You see, the poll in my house just proves that Link is the best videogame character ever! ^^

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: um, never played the game << >>

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: T.T.................What?.....

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: never played Zelda

2005-04-27 [Nekko fox]: -Stares at her, then falls over in a dead faint-

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: Oo what?? I'm not really into video games. I'd rather climb trees piles of dirt *shrugs* I hate being indoors

2005-04-27 [Kinoko]: hi ts

2005-04-27 [Tiger Shark]: hiya *waves*

2005-04-28 [Nekko fox]: -Lies prone on the ground-

2005-04-28 [Tiger Shark]: *pokes* I'm serious

2005-04-28 [Nekko fox]: -Sits up and screams violenlty-

2005-04-28 [Tiger Shark]: ack!! *falls back in suprise*

2005-04-28 [Nekko fox]: -Falls over, sleeping peacefully-

2005-04-28 [Insaniac Yoshie]: o0...

2005-04-28 [Nekko fox]: *Snoring*

2005-04-28 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *pokes nekko with a stick*

2005-04-28 [Nekko fox]: -Looks up at Pheonix, tears in his eye- Why did you poke me?! That hurt! -Curls up tightly and starts crying-

2005-04-28 [Insaniac Yoshie]: uh... um... uh-oh... im sowwie....

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: *holds out some fudge for Nekko*

2005-04-30 [Wes Foxx]: <img:> Makes Neko feel better with the picture he did for him

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: ^_^ I love the one you did for me

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Sueaks in delight and hugs Wes-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: ....*nudges Nekko with fudge*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps in delight at the sight of fudge and hugs tigersharlk in delight-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: ^_^ *meeps*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Hugglez her uber much-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: *feels uber loveled* *offers more fudge*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Hapily takes the fudge0-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: feeling better? *tilts head*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Nods-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: ^_^ good to hear *munches on some fudge*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Eats fudge delightedly-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: *devours the rest*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Pulls out the famous Mackinac Island Fudge from Michigan-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: accually know where Mackinac is?? Wow I thought I was the only one, lol, where the fudge is made or road apples

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: I was concieved in Michigan. I visit Mackinac every year, both city and Island! ( The bridge is awesome too) I've visited every year since I was four! ^^

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: lol, are you serious?? wow, I used to like in that area

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: *munches on fudge*

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: Which part of Machinac Island do you like best?

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: I like skull rock the best, along with the fudge shop of course, lol

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: Which one?! ^^

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: that one!! lol, you know, the one!! I believe the Northern one

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: On the Island? There are, like, twenty!

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: er, are we thinking of the same thing here? there was one major one, on the northern side, I wish I had a picture >.<

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: Of the island of Mackinac? With the fort?

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: yeah. well, it doesn't matter anyway really, haven't been there in8 years

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: O.O! YOU MUST GO BACK!

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: I know, but it's kinda hard when I live here -_-

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: I MISS MICHIGAN!!!!

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: Where do you live? Michigan is awesome!

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: I know Michiganis awesome -_- I used to live there...I live in Western NY

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: I'm sowwy

2005-04-30 [Tiger Shark]: *sigh* it's okay, not your fault...

2005-04-30 [Nekko fox]: -Snuggles-

2005-04-30 [Wes Foxx]: T_T Macinac island... *flashbacks* I loved going there.

2005-04-30 [Just Paula]: MEOW

2005-04-30 [Wes Foxx]: I made a complete, although not very descriptive, list of all the element combos. Advanced Kinetic Labs

2005-04-30 [Just Paula]: damnit five minutes after he gets off

2005-05-01 [Wes Foxx]: Grah x.x we keep missing eachother again.

2005-05-01 [Nekko fox]: GAH! MEOW!

2005-05-01 [Wes Foxx]: *Finishes chapter 2 The Legeands of Inari: Act II*

2005-05-01 [Nekko fox]: I win!

2005-05-02 [Tiger Shark]: lucky -_-

2005-05-02 [Just Paula]: I WIN BIGGER!!!

2005-05-02 [Tiger Shark]: ack!

2005-05-02 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and hides under his tail-

2005-05-02 [Tiger Shark]: *munches on an apple*

2005-05-04 [Nekko fox]: -Looks up hopefully at the apple-

2005-05-04 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts head and munches*

2005-05-05 [CuteKitsune]: I feel like it's been forever..

2005-05-05 [Nekko fox]: -Mews quietly, then turns to the fellow Kitsune-

2005-05-05 [Tiger Shark]: *tosses an apple to Nekko*

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and pounces on the apple-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: lol ^_^

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Plays with the apple like a ball-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: *chases her tail*

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Sits up and glomps her-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: er...

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Meows-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: *nya*

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Stares at the word Nya-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: Oo *pokes it*

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: <img:> What happens when I'm bored? I'll tell you. The little evils in my head like to pop out and scare the people around me ^_^ I love my little Kitsune Devil

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: He he! Kitsune! ^^

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: myep ^_^ he was born in my Algebra class Oo of all places

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and glomps the piccie-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: Oo....down boy *pats Nekko's head*

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and rubs his head-

2005-05-06 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts her head andpokes Nekko* what exactally is a glomp anyway? Oo

2005-05-06 [Nekko fox]: -Looks up- A soft tackle3 hug to show love and/or friendship through happiness!

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